It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I’m so delighted to be hosting Art Journal Journey this month and the challenge theme that I have chosen for is Snowy Winter; like me all you need to do is add snowflakes and/or include snow as part of your page design.

Today’s page was inspired by a Christmas Event at our local garden centre which I attend every year with my family.

I started by painting some white acrylic paint to the centre of my chipboard page and some Salvaged Patina and Speckled Egg Distress Paint around the edges. Then I used a clean paintbrush to pull the white paint out to the edges to produce a starburst effect. When dry, I stamped some small snowflakes using Faded Jeans Distress Archival Ink over the page. Next I added some cute animal Christmas scenes which were 3D stickers and to finish, some pretty snowflake embellishments.

I hope that you are inspired to join in the AJJ fun this month too! I’m really looking forward to visiting you and seeing all your wonderful Snowy Winter creations (smile!).

The Christmas Event is held in evening and Santa was there to greet us as we arrived at the garden centre.

We always have fun looking at the Christmas displays, listening to the live Christmas music and of course, shopping.

It’s become a family tradition to attend this evening and it’s such a lovely way to start the Christmas festivities!

We also enjoyed the complimentary mulled wine and mince pie – yum! As T Stands for T Day, I’m sharing the mulled wine with you, grab a glass and Happy T Day!

Hope that you’re all staying well! x

Thanks for joining me today! If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you.


As well as Art Journal Journey, I’m pleased to be joining the following challenges:

Paperbabe Stamps and their #182 – Anything Goes challenge with my Christmas page.

MLCCB #47 – Anything Christmas Goes over at Merry Little Christmas Challenge Blog with my fun Christmas page.

Peace on Earth Christmas Challenge #29 where Anything Christmas Goes with my Christmas page.

23 thoughts on “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

  1. What a lovely way to start the Christmas season, I have a very long time blog friend (she no longer blogs) that I chat with online, lives in France and she just went to something like this too-I think this is really a wonderful event haven’t heard of this in the states Happy T hugs Kathy

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your garden centers have the most amazing holiday displays. Wow. If I look beyond the tree I see lots and lots of holiday decor. I would love it if we had these around us; just like if we had CHristmas markets. Such fun. Your page captures the essence of holiday fun and decor too. And the snow flakes make it perfect for AJJ. And mulled wine is yummy, especially on a chilly evening. Happy T day and week ahead Jo. hugs-Erika

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s fun to see businesses all dressed up with Christmas trees decorated in different ways. It makes it harder not to pick up a cute little addition to the home decorations. A little tree, perhaps, or a snowman… Maybe I should stay home lol

    The hot mulled drink looks delicious, and I really do need to figure out the mincemeat pie “thing”. Happy T Tuesday

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a fun way to share a yearly tradition. This wintry page is wonderful and I loved how you incorporated the stickers and the snowflakes. Thanks for another great entry for Art Journal Journey using your theme.

    Mulled wine sounds wonderful. It sure looks good. Thanks for sharing it with us, along with your journal page for T this Tuesday, dear Jo.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. All those decorations are really lovely. We have been seeing lots of them around us, especially one neighbor who has hundreds of lit up figures in their yard.

    best… mae at

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love how yu painted the background to your chipboard journal page Jo. It really has created a lovely effect and the shade you have achieved is lovely. Great stickers too to illustrate your theme, which I am loving over at AJJ.
    The blue Christmas tree is my favourite, despite me being a bit of a traditionalist. I love going to the garden centres to see the Christmas decorations and the glorious food and drink they have for sale.
    Hugs, Neet xdx

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  7. Pingback: A Christmas Song | Let's Art Journal

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